Logitech MX1000 Horizontal Scrolling
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Esben Stien
2005-03-26 02:39:11 UTC
I'm still thinking about what to do with it.
You still thinking?.
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Jeremy Nickurak
2005-03-29 08:53:11 UTC
The problem is that the mouse really does reports all the double-button
stuff and autorepeat, and horizontal wheel together with button press on
wheel tilt.
Okay, I'm playing with this under some more, and it really
seems out of whack. The vertical cruise control buttons work properly,
with the exception of the extra button press. But the horizontal buttons
are mapping to 6/7 as non-repeat buttons, and adding simulateously the
4/5 events auto-repeated for as long as the button is down. That is to
say, pressing the the horizontal scroll in a 2d scrolling area will
scroll *diagonally* one step, then vertically until the button is
Jeremy Nickurak <***@rifetech.com>